Below is a list of our products and prices.
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Products 49-96 of 101
Mag Eyes
Price: $30.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ME -

Diamond Small Round, Course
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM1 -

MM-21 Diamond- Sharp Edge, small (889.21)
Price: $10.40
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM-21 -

MM-230 Diamond Large Football, Super Coarse
Price: $9.99
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM230 -

MM-27 Diamond- Sharp Edge, medium (889.27)
Price: $10.40
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM-27 -

Diamond Medium Round, Course
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM3 -

MM-3.2 Diamond Large Round, Super Coarse
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM3.2 -

MM-31 Diamond- Sharp Edge, large (889.31)
Price: $10.30
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM-31 -

MM-312 DIAMOND - Small Inverted Cone
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM-312 -

MM-320 DIAMOND - Large Inverted Cone
Price: $7.75
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM-320 -

Diamond Small Football, Super Course
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM4 -

Diamond Small Football, Fine
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM4F -

Diamond Flame Point, Course
Price: $7.70
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM58C -

Diamond Flame Point Fine
Price: $7.70
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM58F -

Diamond Flame Point Fine Long
Price: $7.70
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM58L -

MM-5C Diamond Large Football, Super Coarse
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM5C -

Diamond Large Football, FINE
Price: $7.10
Availability: In Stock
Item #: MM5F -

Patterns for Eggs_2
Price: $11.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Egg Patterns_2 -

ProSystem for Glass
Price: $1,045.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ProSystemGlass -

Replacement Foot Control
Price: $99.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: FT400 -

Replacement Water Tank Top
Price: $50.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WaterTankTop -

Retrofit your handpiece to operate with Water Mist
Price: $279.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RetroFit -

Silhouette Designs
Price: $11.50
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Silhouette Patterns -

Complete Compressor System
Price: $674.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TCCS Compressor System -

TCCS With Air Spray Handpiece
Price: $712.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TCCS-AirHandpiece -

Same as TCCS but with the cool Air spray handpiece.

TCWCS - TurboCarver Water Mist System W/Compressor
Price: $844.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TCWCS -

Turbo Tank Quiet Air Compressor
Price: $287.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TurboTank_Compressor -

Using The Turbo Carver to do Scrimshaw
Price: $25.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: SCRIM_DVD -

Water Spray Tank
Price: $80.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WaterTank -

Basic Bur Set with Assortment of Great Useful Burs
Price: $114.99
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BurSetBasic -

Basic Starter Bur SetThis set contains many burs found in most kits. It is a great starter set to have and offers more possibilities to your carving. This great kit contains 15 useful burs. It also includes a quality bur cassette to keep your burs organized.Basic Starter Kit Contains:Basic Carbide Burs: #1 #4#8 33.5 37 7611 701 023 Diamond Burs: MM1 MM3.2 MM4 MM5F MM58C 863 Stone Bur - 661-120 Green flame point 15 total burs - See more about each specific bur on the Burs Page.Note: The most...

Egg Carving ProSystem with Water Mist Option
Price: $1,130.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ProSystemEggs -

New Regular TurboCarver Hand Piece - TC550
Price: $159.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TC550 -

TS550 - Complete Turbo Carver System
Price: $339.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TS550 -

Bur Set for EGG Carving
Price: $171.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BurSetEggs -

Complete set of Burs for EggsThis great kit contains 21 useful burs for working with egg shell carving. It also includes a quality bur cassette to keep your burs organized.The kit includes-Carbide Burs:#1#4#8699L761133.537162 Bone Cutter7408701-LDiamond Burs:MM1MM3MM3.2MM4MM5FMM58CMM58F023860Stone Burs:Green Flame - 661-120 Green flame pointWhite Arkansas Flame - 661-42021 total burs - See more about each specific bur on the Burs Page.Note: The most useful 699 and MM5C are usually included in...

New Water Spray Handpiece - WSTC550
Price: $267.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WSTC550 -

WSTS550 - TurboCarver Water Mist System
Price: $484.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: WSTS550 -

Complete Turbo Carver Water Adjustable Water Mist System- with our clever water misting system available only with Turbo Carver. This is excellent for working in eggs, glass, bone, etc. This is excellent for help controlling dust in when working in eggs, glass, bone, etc. Eliminates most dust, polishes the cut, helps prevent stress fracturing and keeps the bur cooler for longer bur life. The system consumes about 1 drop of water per second.It can also be used without water for wood carving....

Bur Set for WOOD carving
Price: $164.99
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BurSetWood -

Burs for Wood CarvingComplete set of 23 burs for WOOD. It also comes with a quality bur cassette to keep your burs organized. The kit includes:Carbide Burs-#1#4#8699L5655659170176119903331/237701-LDiamond Burs-MM1MM3MM3.2MM4MM5FMM58FMM58C023863Stone Bur-661-120 Green Stone flame point23 total burs - See more about each specific bur on the Burs Page.Note: The most useful 699 and MM5C are usually included in systems, so these burs are not included on this list.This set includes a quality dental...

Complete Turbo Carver With Air Spray Option System
Price: $368.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TAS550 -

Egg Carving ProSystem with  Classic Handpiece
Price: $964.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ProSystemEggsRegCarver -

TurboCarver Hand Piece With Air - TurboAir
Price: $197.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: TurboAir -

Bur Set for Bone & Antler carving
Price: $195.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BurSetBone -

Complete Set of Burs for BONE and ANTLER This great kit contains 21 useful burs for working with bone and antler material. It also comes with a quality bur cassette to keep your burs organized. The kit includes: Carbide Burs- #1 #4 #8 699L 56 1701 7611 9903 331/2 37 701-L162-Bone Cutter - Specialty CarbideDiamond Burs- MM1 MM3 MM3.2 MM4 MM5FMM58C 023 Small Wheel 863 Large WheelSP-1 Specialty diamond 'hair line' etching burStone Bur- 661-120 Green Stone flame point22 total burs - See more about...

Rebuild your air spray handpiece
Price: $152.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Air Spray Handpiece Rebuild -

Send Handpiece only. Handpiece must be sent to Turbo Carver for rebuild to be done. This includes cleaning & complete examination and replacing bearings. Repairs are usually done in a very timely manner once the handpiece is received. Please include your name, address & phone number. Rebuild will be charged upon completion of work. Send to address at bottom of our main web page.

Rebuild Your Turbo Handpiece
Price: $121.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Regular Handpiece Rebuild -

Bur Set for Stone Carving, Etching, and Engraving
Price: $166.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BurSetStone -

Complete set of burs for StoneThis great kit contains 17 useful burs for etching, carving, and working with stone and gems. It also includes a quality bur cassette to keep your burs organized.The kit includes: Carbide Burs-#1#4#817017611SP133.5379903701-LDiamond Burs-MM1MM3MM3.2MM4MM5FMM58CStone Bur-661-120 Green Flame Point19 total burs - See more about each specific bur on the Burs Page.Note: The most useful 699, & MM5C are usually included in systems, so these burs are not...

Rebuild Your Water Spray Handpiece
Price: $196.98
Availability: In Stock
Item #: Water Spray Handpiece Rebuild -

Bur Set for Metal working
Price: $179.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: BurSetMetal -

Complete set of burs for METALThis great kit contains  19 useful burs for etching and engraving in metallic materials. It also includes a quality bur cassette to keep your burs organized.The kit includes-Carbide Burs-#1#4 #8699L33 1/237170176119903701-L023Diamond Burs-MM1MM3MM3.2MM4MM5FMM58CMM863 wheelSP-1 Specialty 'hair line' engraverStone Bur-661-120 Green Stone flame point20 total burs - See more about each specific bur on the Burs Page.Note: The most useful 699 and MM5C are usually...

ProSystem for Wood Carving
Price: $960.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: ProSystemWood -